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Wholesale Banking

New Narrative – towards a circular disruption

The circular economy is a highly popular topic but the transition towards it is a bumpy road. The global circularity level is even falling over time, with the amount of reused materials and resources decreasing. It is a narrative that needs an update.

wheat field filled with straw bales with smiley's painted on

In order to get the transition going, ING, Utrecht University and Circle Economy started a collaboration. By generating cutting-edge knowledge and research on how system building of innovation ecosystems by circular start-ups can occur (and what may impede this), this consortium – New Narrative - aims to accelerate transitions to a circular economy through circular start-ups. The next step is to set the right contextual conditions to unlock a new narrative for the circular economy.

New Narrative logo for circular economy

The consortium recently published a three part podcast series discussing what needs to be done to get things really going and who and what is needed to accelerate the transition.

  • Episode 1: macro-economic hurdles and solutions for a faster growth of the circular economy.


  • Episode 2: solving the challenges for circular startups.


  • Episode 3: building a circular future through imagination.


The consortium has done extensive research on the circular economy to develop a new narrative. For more information, research and papers visit the website.

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Financial services have an important role to play in creating a healthy and sustainable world. Sustainability is integrated directly into the core of our business strategy.

This study highlights six major problems with the circular model compared to the current linear system, and examines the policy actions that are needed to encourage market players to get on board.