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Wholesale Banking

Forms and documents

On this page an overview of documents and forms related to payments, bank accounts, treasury transactions, the Corporate Card program, ING InsideBusiness, guarantees and other transactions with ING WB Hungary.

Payment moratorium related documents

Payment related documents

Bank account related documents

Treasury transaction related documents

Corporate card related documents

InsideBusiness related documents

Guarantee templates

Other transaction related documents

Please note:

A bank-acceptable guarantee text should contain:

  • the correct name and address of the beneficiary and 
  • the correct name and address of the applicant
  • amount (number and letter)
  • expiry date (day/month/year)
  • unconditionally
  • irrevocable
  • pay on first written demand
  • waiving all rights of objection and defence arising from …
  • signature authentication clause
  • automatically reduce with all payments
  • the non-transferability clause
  • reference to the Hungarian law or to the URDG 758