Contact Corporate Card customer help desk
Please find your local number to reach our Corporate Card customer help desk.
Local numbers
Belgium | +32 25 882 111 |
France | +33 52 457 72 12 |
Germany | +49 69 967 59 168 |
Hungary | +36 80 021 402 |
Ireland | +35 31 43 72 616 |
Italy | +39 05 109 20 261 |
Luxembourg | +35 22 020 42 56 |
Netherlands | +31 10 428 95 81 |
Slovak Republic | +42 12 336 633 21 |
Spain | +34 90 289 89 56 |
Switzerland | +41 44 501 5143 |
United Kingdom | +44 20 704 80 320 |
Monday-Sunday: 24 hours a day
Other countries
Is your country not listed? Call the phone number below.
Other countries | +31 10 428 95 81 |
Monday-Sunday: 24 hours a day